Potsdam Sandstoners
Team Nickname: Sandstoners
Team Colors: Blue, Orange & White
School Address:
29 Leroy Street, Potsdam, NY 13676
Campus Location: Between Leroy St. and
Lawrence Ave., Potsdam, NY 13676
Main Telephone: (315) 265-2000
School Web Site: http://www.potsdam.k12.ny.us/
and http://www.sandstonerspress.org (for
sports, student activities, recent photos and more!
State Class Designation: Class B
Game Sites:
Golf- Potsdam Golf & Country Club
Swimming- Clarkson University Alumni Gymnasium
Hockey- Pine Street Arena or SUNY Potsdam
Indoor Track- St. Lawrence Univ. fieldhouse, Canton
All Other Sports - at the school.

Potsdam School